
Small picture update in the photos gallery

2017-04-28 | Comments: 0 | Categories:

During a short visit in switzerland near Lucerne i took some pictures in winter fog. At temperatures below freezing point the fog decorated the landscape. The white trees and the diffuse light conditions resulted in some nice photos. Additionally i added some more pictures from other occasions. The following list links to the newly added images:

Pictures from the Jade bight area

2015-10-28 | Comments: 0 | Categories:

I just added some pictures of my recent trip to Dangast to the photos section.

Serach for 'Firesland' to get pictures listed

Minor photo update

2015-08-07 | Comments: 0 | Categories:

Just a minor update of 4 pictures in the 'Photos'-Album. I took part in an evening course during the blue hour in Wiesbaden. The bowling green and Kurhaus is a good place for that. My best results are published here.

Let's get started

2015-03-26 | Comments: 0 | Categories:

Over the last weeks I worked on this website for my images. After finishing the basics like adjusting the zenphoto theme to my needs I started uploading several pictures in both gallery sections. At the moment about 130 pictures are ready to be published. Mainly cars but also some other pictures I took during the last year.